VR & Simulator Rentals

*charges may apply to your order*

Virtual Reality, Racing, Flight, Sports and Golf Simulators. Featuring HTC Vive. Most popular VR games and 360° Movies. State of Art Game Simulators. Football Kicking & Passing, Baseball Hitting & Pitching, Hockey, Zombie Dodge Ball, Lacrosse, Rugby, Cricket,Soccer,Basket Ball, Carnival Games And Of Course GOLF.

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  VR and Simulators
Virtual Reality Non Residential ADDITIONAL HOURS OF SERVICE PER HOUR Per Set
Virtual Reality Non Residential ADDITIONAL HOURS OF SERVICE PER HOUR Per Set

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
Virtual Reality Residential 1 Units 3 Hrs.
Virtual Reality Residential 1 Units 3 Hrs.

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
Virtual Reality Non Residential 1 Units 3hours
Virtual Reality Non Residential 1 Units 3hours

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
Virtual Reality Non Residential 2 Units 3 Hrs.
Virtual Reality Non Residential 2 Units 3 Hrs.

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
Virtual Reality Addt Hrs of service Per Hour
Virtual Reality Addt Hrs of service Per Hour

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
Driving Simulator Starting at . . .
Driving Simulator Starting at . . .

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Baseball Pitching Simulator
Baseball Pitching Simulator

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
Home Run Contest, or Target contest
Home Run Contest, or Target contest

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Hockey Simulators. 3 Modes of Play Goalie Shootout, Target Challenge, Hardest Shot Challenge.
Hockey Simulators.  3 Modes of Play  Goalie Shootout, Target Challenge, Hardest Shot Challenge.

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Football Simulators Quarterback Challenge
Football Simulators Quarterback Challenge

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Football Simulators Boots some Field Goals
Football Simulators Boots some Field Goals

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Rugby Simulators
Rugby Simulators

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Cricket Simulators
Cricket Simulators

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Baseball Pitching, Who can throw a Strike ?
Baseball Pitching, Who can throw a Strike ?

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Zombie Dodge Ball Game
 Zombie Dodge Ball Game

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
Carnival Games on the Simulator
Carnival Games on the Simulator

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
Golf Simulators. Long Drive Contest, Different Course
Golf Simulators. Long Drive Contest, Different Course

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Penalty Kick Challenge or Bend the Ball
Penalty Kick Challenge or Bend the Ball

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PS4 game console c/w Monitor 1st unit
PS4 game console c/w Monitor 1st unit

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
PS4 game console c/w Monitor additional unit
PS4 game console c/w Monitor additional unit

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
Virtual Reality c/w Monitor 1st unit Starting at . . .
Virtual Reality  c/w Monitor 1st unit Starting at . . .

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
PS4 game console c/w Monitor With VR add on additional unit
PS4 game console c/w Monitor With VR add on additional unit

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
XBox game console c/w Monitor 1st unit
XBox game console c/w Monitor 1st unit

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
Additional game console c/w Monitor for Rock Band
Additional game console c/w Monitor for Rock Band

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
PS4 game console c/w controller
PS4 game console c/w controller

Please email to reserve or request more information on this item. info@tubbys.ca
Virtual Reality-Fishing c/w Monitor 1st unit Starting at . . .
Virtual Reality-Fishing  c/w Monitor 1st unit Starting at . . .

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2nd unit- Virtual Reality-Fishing c/w Monitor 1st unit Starting at . . .
2nd unit- Virtual Reality-Fishing  c/w Monitor 1st unit Starting at . . .

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Race Cockpits. Can race against each other with internet service. Otherwise race in the same race as time trials. Starting at. . .
Race Cockpits. Can race against each other with internet service. Otherwise race in the same race as time trials. Starting at. . .

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Single Race Cockpit. Starting at. . .
Single Race Cockpit. Starting at. . .

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PS5 game console c/w Controller, Monitor & Stand
PS5 game console c/w Controller, Monitor & Stand

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