
An email with details for our legally required WCB coverage has been sent to the email for this order. The credentials sent will facilitate a clearance letter being available. Also contained in that document is a Certificate of our commercial general Lia

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Many people do not understand that when you hire a company you become the employer.

Link to a  WCB sample clearance letter for Tubbys

WCB account information, so you will have the required details to obtain a clearance.
Workers Compensation Information
Re Tubby’s  Hot Tub & Party Rentals
535930-Alberta Inc.
Account  # 514713

The following is a link to Worker Compensation Board of Alberta’s Website.
 It is meant to be informative, Our research shows that many do not take into account  the importance or reason for   WCB coverage.
Nor the responsibility that may be assumed by the group, corporation and or individual when dealing with a company that does not have in place, proper WCB coverage.
 It is our company’s opinion, that it is best practice to hire a company/group that carries WCB coverage, rather than leaving you the individual, group or company open to future issues.


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